Wow... can't believe it's been one year already. I remember how it all started. I used the PC at the office to start a blog. Those were the days when I can still dawdle at work. Now, no chance in hell. I should be so lucky if I get to sit down for more than one hour without the constant interruptions from customers with stupid questions.
It all started when a friend advertised her blog to our group. And her name is Along of Along's Blog at http://alongsj.blogspot.com (enough mentioning Along?). I've known what a blog is all about at that time but I wasn't sure that I would have enough drive to update it regularly. But so far so good.
I used to be known as Silent Dragon because even though I'm a dragon who is supposed to have an agressive nature, I'm not. But then I changed it to Kampung Gal because it's easier to have the same name as the blog name. And I think someone called me Kampung Gal once instead of Silent Dragon and I thought it sounds much nicer.
I was a bit reluctant when choosing the name Kampung Gal in the City because it seems like such a cliche. I'm sure there are other Tom, Dick, Harry, Peter and Jane in the City out there. But I love it because it's one way to describe who I am. Even though I was born and raised in the city, I feel so kampung sometimes. For the record I don't watch the show.
Looking back on my first post, I thought damn I still have nothing to show. Still living with parents, with no savings and no boyfriend (still debatable). I'm still working at a bookstore, though it's bigger with better pay. Blog-wise still talking about the same old thing. Well, I guess in my case you can't change much in 12 months.
Aiya... suddenly I'm feeling depressed.
But one thing I like about blogging is that I get to be a part of this small yet wide community that connects people without putting much effort. Since I don't go out much, I still get to 'meet' and get to know people like Eyeris, Dina, The Visitor, Desparil, Yasmin Ahmad, Afdlin Shauki and many others. Without this blog I don't think I will ever get to meet these people let alone having them respond to my comments. Blog is such a wonderful thing

I also tend to talk to myself less since I started this blog, which is a very good thing. Sometimes my thoughts became too much that I just had to say it out. Believe me, having a blog and typing it out is so much better (and saner) than talking to yourself.
Here's to another year of Kampung Gal in the City!

waah.. i'm listed among such illustrious company.. damn proud.. hehe..
happy birthday, KG..
woit...where's my name?
Happy anniversary!!!
Ala long... i met you already wat... dah terlebih meet dah :)
Okla for the record, you were the one who started me blogging orait?
Des, anniversary la, birthday belum lagi. I'm not old yet :)
woohoo! [makes Mexican wave] for KgGal on her blog's 1st anniversary...
birthday of KG the blogger.. and also your blog lah...
hehe. happy birthday to Kampung Gal in the City...
and which bookstoe you're in already? :)
hehe.. that's for you to find out la...
Yes I second that.
I don't talk to the walls as much now. I sent them down my fingers instead and type away.
It really helps a lot with the psychiatrist's bills.
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